Missing Modules Compare to Demo

Hello, Can anyone tell if there is any update from 5.0.0? I was just comparing our installation with the new demo links posted and we are missing some few modules.

  1. Recall Board
  2. Flow board is a lot different
  3. Messages is a lot different. Our messages has no RECALL
  4. Global Settings: Missing some fields here and there.

We installed 5.00. Any feedback will be appreciated

hi @Developer_Programmer what demo link did you use?

I used this below but just found out it has been removed


you used one of the dev demos you could run the upgrade script and move to 5.0.1 but beware

Thank you. Where can I find the upgrade script to run?

same script you ran before following these instructions, http://open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Linux_Upgrade_4.2.2_to_5.0.0

Thank you. I already have 5.0.0. the link I sent to you says it’s 5.0.2 dev

hi @Developer_Programmer ,

You still will not get what you want by upgrading to 5.0.1 dev version. The new recall stuff is under development by Ray and the demo that you were using is an “Up For Grabs” demo that contains code and features under current development:
(note the first demo listed there is the link you posted above)

The official demos that are in the development codebase currently (5.0.1) are here:

And the official 5.0.0 (the most recent production release) demo is here:


Thank you Brady

As an aside Ray ( @rmagauran ), I think, has a version of this software/feature for OpenEMR 5.0.0 .


Do you know of any Inpatient application that can be integrated with Open-EMR? We are looking for

  1. Bed Management
  2. Nurse Management

hopefully will be no need to look elsewhere for inpatient features http://open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Roadmaps in the near future

For a sneak peak at the Recall Board, Flow Board (with Kiosk Mode) and integrated messaging see the demo. To install this locally, see Medex/openEMR4.3-5.0 There are now a few videos showing some of these new features on You Tube.

The goal is to have it be part of the next release of openEMR but we have it working on earlier versions without a problem. Because these are not part of the code base yet, each pre-5.1 install has been “by hand” so if you want to try it (especially if you are on a production server) and need help let me know…


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I need help on adding some care coordination into openemr. Like for ART, HIV, TUBERCULOSIS etc. I have all the forms in excel. Do you know who can help? I need someone that really understand openemr flow. It’s going to be a paid service

@Developer_Programmer I’m pretty good with forms. I assume you need encounter forms.

@Developer_Programmer we can help you implement these. For more details you can send a mail to services@visolve.com.

ViSolve OpenEMR Support Team

Yes i need encounter forms already made with excel sheets. We the flow with open-emr

Should i send you the encounter forms and you let me know how we can work on them? Need it asap

Yep send me example of largest so I can get idea. sjpadgett@gmail.com