PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant background_shutdown - assumed 'background_shutdown' in /var/www/openemr/library/ajax/execute_background_services.php on line 164, referer:
Undefined index: background_force in /var/www/openemr/library/ajax/execute_background_services.php on line 108, referer:
Thank you for posting this fix. For the future, if possible, try to use git/github for code submissions. Here’s a tutorial (and we are all happy to help with any questions along the way):
Must I fork it to get submissions in or do I get to directly put in the main GitHub (dangerous) repo?
From the link above:
Let the developers know to review your code by posting an item in the ‘Code Review’ OpenEMR tracker on sourceforge and posting a message in the sourceforge OpenEMR developer forum (simply provide a link to your published github branch along with a quick explanation of your code).
All you need to do is post a link on the forums (or the tracker). Then it will get reviewed on github. And when it’s ready to go to the official codebase, then one of the code integrators (myself, Kevin, Rod or Tony) will actually commit it to the codebase on sourceforge (note this codebase gets mirrored to github (and several other git repo sites) every 30 minutes.