I am an OpenEMR newbie and have installed 3.1.0 OpenEMR under Windows. I have it set up on an Apache server on my local machine (localhost). I would like to know of any resources that explain what needs to be done to move it to a hosted web server (like GoDaddy.COM or any of the free web servers).
In order to comply with HIPAA, your best bet would be to look at services called
* Virtual Private Servers, Virtual Dedicated Servers (pretty much the same thing; a virtual machine that you have full control over)
* Dedicated Servers (an actual computer that you rent and have full control over)
* Co-location (an actual computer that you’ve bought and sent to a facility to be hosted)
I wouldn’t trust patient data to anything less and certainly not GoDaddy.
I believe several of the participants on this forum provide a hosted OpenEMR solution, including my employer.
(*further disclaimer, I also personally host non-EMR sites and still wouldn’t trust GoDaddy with so much as a domain registration.)
Open a Free-account and be sure to make and use the right MySQL database with the right name. Hosting must have MySQL, PHP, etc (Free hosting with cPanel is my favorite) available, to avoid possible incompatible headaches. Some are windows based and some are Linux based. Most Free hosting Services give the option to create a database but only with their specific first part in the name. Something like GODADDY_oemr. If you keep track of these changes it is easy to get OEMR to start from whatever Server. But remember: a good doctor and most patients do like their privacy, so don’t start a professional working OEMR in a non secure environment. You have to follow the professional advise as given in the earlier messages.
Using names and telephone numbers who are ready available in any city (any telephone directory will do) could be a good starter to use real life database without problems of breaking the privacy of a patient.
Let the OEMR community know where you found your obstacles during your installations. I had three different OEMR versions running on different Free webhostings before starting the OEMR on a secure hosting.
If in first instance you fail to get things working, my best option and quickest way to go was, to delete everything and start from scratch.
My preferen ce is to keep it in-house so I have complete control over it. Then use a VPN, like Hamachi by LogMeIn, to allow users to connect. If they travel (most do) and carry their notebook computer, they need only go to ANY hotspot to access their server, as long as it is available via the VPN, but need not carry any actual patient data in their notebook, in case of theft. And I do recommend Lojack for Laptops - my daughter had hers stolen from her house in Baltimore in broad daylight WHILE she was upstairs. Sad commentary.
Drop me a note if you want to know more hands-on with the VPN.