Method of Payment report?

uhsarp wrote on Friday, December 31, 2010:

Hello Everyone!

How can I generate a report with payment method classification? (like credit card, check, cash) and also is there a comprehensive report that includes patient details, encounter details (cpt codes used, descriptions), payment info, insurance info etc?

I see all the information spread out in different reports but I’d like to code a comprehensive report and submit code to everyone. Any advice on where to start? I looked at the library files and see all the database pulls but just wanted to post it out here to avoid any duplication of work. The search in this forums is not perfect so I don’t know if this issue was raised before.

Happy new year to all the OpenEMR users and developers!!

uhsarp wrote on Friday, December 31, 2010:

Looked at the custom_report_range.php and it seems to have most of the information needed. I’ll start from this create a tabular style report!

tmccormi wrote on Friday, December 31, 2010:

Take a look at my Github branch, a lot of the work on reports like that is already well underway.  Feel free to grab them and make some more progress.
