Make lower frame max-auto-select

omo66 wrote on Tuesday, June 30, 2009:

Here is a code spinet to make this happen. Use it at your own risk.
It works when a radio button for the lower frame is selected.
In this particular code, if Encounters is selected the lower frame change size to max 90%. This will help making your progress notes, CAMOS etc while using more screen space. If other button are selected the lower frame with default to original setting again.
OPENEMR/interface/main/left_nav.php   see  line 308 and
add these +2 lines just after:
function loadFrame(fname, frame, url) {

////lines to add benign
if (fname==‘Encounters’){top.document.getElementById(“fsright”).rows=“2%,*”;} ;
if (fname!==‘Encounters’) {top.document.getElementById(“fsright”).rows=“60%,*”;};
////lines to add end

for more sectors see lines 105-132

omo66 wrote on Tuesday, June 30, 2009:

This code will work better, it controls documents and encounters.
Sorry about the typos in above message.   

////lines to add benign
     case ‘patient_file/history/encounters.php’:
     case ‘…/controller.php?document&list&patient_id={PID}’:
////lines to add end