I wanted the Administrator off the calendar so I went in an took the authorization rights off the Administrator. This did work for me on getting the “Administrator” off the calendar but it also worked so well now I don’t even have administrator rights at all. :-( HELP!
I also want to get rid of the administrator from the appointment calendar.Only the providers should be on the calendar. Looks like , as it exists today, that cannot be achieved with 2 levels of access - ‘authorized’ and ~authorised.
You have followed the installation-help and et up the system with the default "Adinistrator" as first user. That is not too clever since no doctor is called Administrator and as Rod says the authorized persons allways appear on the calendar. I suggest you give a doctor the athority to administer the system instead and take it away from the the "Administrator".
In the future may bee a good idea to instead use {‘federal number of prescribers’ not NULL} as flag for those that should appear on the calendar?
Thanks to all who responded. I have to tell you I a new to this and in the learning phase. So any help that you gave/give me is great and I really appreciate it.