Login screen and more

The login screen has an error at the top and after that more errors

OpenEMR Version
OpenEMR 5.0.2

I’m using: Chrome Version 85.0.4183.102 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Operating System
I’m using: Windows 10 Home, OS build 19041.508

I can’t seem to find any log files.
Of note, I used to have IIS, the Wamp used to have 2 out 3 services running, then I disabled it, restarted the computer as prompted.
After this, all services running. Went through the installation smoothly, no errors.
On the login page I see an orange table with “Notice: undefined index”, logged in and the following page shows only notices of undefined variables (screenshots attached).


The following screen shows the following
Screenshot attached


Please ensure you have the correct php settings as specified here on php.ini file:

To be more specific, In php.ini, you must set “display_errors” and “display_startup_errors” to “Off” .

Please restart XAMPP after changes in php.ini file.
