Loading CPT Codes

pkattula wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2005:

The data file I got for CPTs has data for RVUs, following are some sample records;

10040 ACNE SURGERY           2.81  1.75
10060 DRAIN SKIN ABSCESS     2.54  1.90
10061 DRAIN SKIN ABSCESS     4.56  3.72
10080 DRAIN PILONIDAL CYST   3.27  1.95
10081 DRAIN PILONIDAL CYST   5.41  4.24

NRVU=Total fully implemented non-facility RVUs
FRVU=Total fully implemented facility RVUs

Can somebody please help me in mapping these to the table ‘codes’ in MySQL. I understand the code_type is going to be 1 for CPT codes, but not sure how to populate columns ‘modifier’, ‘units’,  ‘fee’ and ‘superbill’.

andres_paglayan wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2005:

you need at least three fields populated.
code_text, code, code_type
for a big dump you can create a file that goes like this
insert into codes (code_text,code,code_type) VALUES
(‘the code description’,‘the code itsleft’,‘the code type #’),
(‘the code description’,‘the code itsleft’,‘the code type #’),
(‘the code description’,‘the code itsleft’,‘the code type #’),
(‘the code description’,‘the code itsleft’,‘the code type #’);
if you have the codes you can use a text editor to prepare such file.
If you have a price list and you are going to populate the other colums, be sure that they are listed in the fist set where you specify the colums, and be sure that the listing of values matches the order of the listing of columns.

pkattula wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2005:

Thank you Andes!
I appreciate your help with following questions.

Can OpenEMR use RVUs? if so which column in the table it goes into ‘units’ or ‘fee’?
Honestly I don’t know the difference between two RVUs.
Since there are two RVUs (NRVU and FRVU) in the data file any idea which RVU should be used for OpenEMR/FreeB to function correctly?

andres_paglayan wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2005:

I am sorry I am not good with the billing part of it.
May be someone else will post an answer for you.

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2005:

I don’t think you want to load RVUs.  They have something to do with computing fees, but are not the fees themselves.

See http://www.refercare.org/openemr/ for some scripts that I wrote for loading ICD9, HCPCS and CPT codes and fees.  If you do not have the technical skills to customize and use these, then I recommend you hire someone (like me, perhaps) to take care of it for you.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

pkattula wrote on Wednesday, April 20, 2005:

Thanks Rod!
CPT and HCPCS  codes are already loaded as part of install. I will take a look at your perl scripts.