Listing my custom module in openemr manage modules by default (like fax and weno)


I have created a custom module, and I want it to be listed on the OpenEMR “Manage Modules” page, similar to the Weno and Fax modules. Please provide guidelines on how to accomplish this.

As per the repository, it needs to be registered on Packagist, and through Composer, it can be implemented in OpenEMR. However, I am expecting it to be listed by default.


hi rekha,
to get your module listed in ‘manage modules’ you’ll need to add it to the folder interface/modules/custom_modules in it’s own folder

Thanks for the reply ruth. I want my module to be included in the default installation of OpenEMR. How can I achieve that?

i’m not sure how to achieve this. It would have to be considered useful for all users of openemr to be included in the base code, but i’m not sure how you would put it forward for consideration in this way - possibly as an issue in the github repo of openemr? have you access to that?

No, I didnt tried to make it in git repository.

Hi Sherwin,
We are trying to add a custom module in OpenEMR. What is the process to do that? I saw that there are several Custom modules there like Comlink, Claim Rev etc.

Hi @Sanjib_Basak,
To add modules, from the top level menu, click on Modules, then module manager is were those modules will be displayed. You can Install and enable the ones you would like to use.

Hi @juggernautsei , I think @Sanjib_Basak is looking for help with developing a module, Module Skeleton Package.

Hi @stephenwaite,
Thanks for the reply. We have already developed the custom module. I am wondering how to publish it (via Github) so that it becomes available to all users. Should we create a branch and ask for merge request with main branch? How long does it take to merge? Will there be other users who would be testing? sorry, I am new in this community and may be asking trivial questions .

hi @Sanjib_Basak, nice! Go ahead and submit a PR and it will be reviewed and tested asap. More info/tools are in the contributing guide.

In order to include a module to our core product, several factors need to be considered.
We are shying away from module inclusions that do not benefit a large portion of the community like fax and SMS or Telehealth.

It’d be helpful if you were to give full details on your module mission and how beneficial it would be to the community in general because once the module is included as part of our core product, it becomes another piece that has to be supported throughout OpenEMR lifecycle.
So if you were to go away and no longer support the module it could become dead code.

It isn’t too difficult to get the module code merged as long as you follow or coding standards such as translation and escaping using our functions for such things. Just review one of the simpler modules to get an idea what those things are.

Otherwise we do have places you may advertise your module and have a separate install perhaps a registered composer project.

What is the purpose of your module. If I missed that you already answered this, sorry.

We are building some custom application for Clinicians with predictive models for Musculoskeletal area. I would like to know how to add the custom module under unregistered module list, so that some users who are interested can register it and use the module.

Hi @Sanjib_Basak, I think you might also be interested in SMART on FHIR app support for predictive decision support intervention that was just brought in as part of ONC requirements (b11).

Hello @sjpadgett,
We have couple of products. 1) An AI Medical CoPilot that can perform data analysis, Dicom image analysis and retrieve articles from peer reviewed journals. 2) A predictive AI FHIR App which performs risk assessments for Musculoskeletal Disorder patients.
Please let us know what would be the best way to integrate.

Hello @stephenwaite,
Thanks for informing me about the SMART on FHIR app initiative. Can you please point me to the link if you have any? We have built some applications in that category.

hi @Sanjib_Basak , this should help, openemr/ at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub