LIST: Layout Based Visit Form

harrisonr wrote on Monday, July 25, 2011:

What is this list for?  How is it used?   Is there another ‘layout based?’ form that links to it somehow? 

acmoore wrote on Monday, July 25, 2011:

It’s a list of the layout-based forms that have been created. You can create new ones by following these instructions:

It looks like the interface for doing that could be improved a bit, but it works.


hampton3 wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:

This didn’t help me any. I couldn’t find the layout based form option in the list.

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:

What version OpenEMR you using?

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:

Oh, saw in other thread, you are version 4.0. Is this a new install or an upgrade?

hampton3 wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:

This is a new install. I am just trying to add some new visit forms that get filled out every visit.

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, October 20, 2011:


For debugging purposes, do the following:
1. Go to Administration->Layouts
2. Choose ‘Demographics’ in ‘Edit Layout’
3. In the first row click the entry under ‘List’ (should be ‘titles’)
4. A pop-up window will open. copy all of that text in the pop up and paste it here.


hampton3 wrote on Friday, October 21, 2011:

Active lists
Address Book Types
Adjustment Reasons
Appointment Statuses
Chart Storage Locations
Code Types
Date Master Criteria
Disclosure Type
Drug Forms
Drug Intervals
Drug Routes
Drug Units
Fee Sheet
Invoice Reference Number Pools
Left or Right
Marital Status
Message Status
Order Priorities
Order Statuses
Patient Note Types
Payment Adjustment Code
Payment Date
Payment Ins
Payment Method
Payment Sort By
Payment Status
Payment Type
Price Level
Procedure Body Sites
Procedure Boolean Results
Procedure Lateralities
Procedure Report Statuses
Procedure Result Abnormal
Procedure Result Statuses
Procedure Routes
Procedure Specimen Types
Procedure Types
Procedure Units
Referral Source
Risk Factors
Risk Level
Service Category
Smoking Status
Subscriber Relationship
Tax Rate
User Defined List 1
User Defined List 2
User Defined List 3
User Defined List 4
User Defined List 5
User Defined List 6
User Defined List 7

bradymiller wrote on Friday, October 21, 2011:


Yep, Layout-Based Visit Forms is missing; perhaps hit the ‘Delete’ button :slight_smile:

To make it again:
Go to Administration->Database and click ‘list_options’ in list of tables.

To right, click the ‘Insert’ button.
For ‘Value’ in ‘list_id’ put ‘lists’
For ‘Value’ in ‘option_id’ put ‘lbfnames’
For ‘Value’ in ‘title’ put ‘Layout-Based Visit Forms’
Click the ‘Go’ button

Now should work.



I am new to Open EMR and working with a new install of version 5.0.1(4). I would like to create some forms but when I look in Administration | Lists for Layout-Based Visit Forms, I don’t see the option.

I found this post about the list_options table, but I also saw another post (Layout-Based Visit Forms issue in v.5.0.1-dev) that makes me think there might be a new way to create these?


Best regards,

After some additional searching, it looks like the creation of Layout-Based Visit Forms has been moved to Administration | Layout | New Layout.
