Linux VM can't see network card

slim180 wrote on Sunday, August 16, 2009:

I’m running 64bit VM Player on Linux with a OpenEMR virtual machine started.  The ifconfig command in OpenEMR shows only a loop-back adapter.  The same virtual machine files work under Windows.  The VM Network adapter is “Host-only” mode.  Any suggestions?

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, August 16, 2009:


I’m assuming your using the OpenEMR 3.0.1 VM, which uses ubuntu. (if your using the developer appliance then let me know, since it uses mandriva.).

I’m, guessing the issue is the “Host-only” mode.  Set the Network mode to “Bridged” mode, and should then work.


slim180 wrote on Sunday, August 16, 2009:

Yes, I’m using the Ubuntu server appliance with OpenEMR v3.0.0.1.  I changed to Bridge mode and gave the sudo reboot command.  It worked!  Upon boot OpenEMR printed URLs containing the bridged IP address.

thank you,