Hello EMR Team,
Have configured ldap with openemr using global setting but after that not able to login to openemr using its own credentials or ldap credentials.
How to establish connection between “OpenEMR-6” and ldap ?
Hello EMR Team,
Have configured ldap with openemr using global setting but after that not able to login to openemr using its own credentials or ldap credentials.
How to establish connection between “OpenEMR-6” and ldap ?
With the demo server we are able to get the LDAP to work per the instructions. However, on a live server with https (SSL) doesn’t. Is it only configured to work for http:? Please respond ASAP.
hi @Jit_Chawla , it can support TLS(SSL).
Thanks Stephen. I’m working with Jit on this and opened a new post, but figured I’d respond on here with more detail. Here’s where I’m at on figuring this out. Maybe something will jump out at you on the config?
Googling the PHP error seems to indicate it’s not picking up a certificate or something.
Running on XAMPP if relevant
instead of creating directories it’s looking for files specified here or the cert file here
Finally got this working, kind of! I created a ldap.conf file in a new directory c:\openldap\sysconf and added a pointer to the certificate in the file which partially solved the problem. Once I moved the certificate from the directory buried within openemr/sites to a new directory on the root and updated the pointer, it started working. Seems like a permissioning issue somewhere within windows & xampp. Not sure if just updating AuthUtil.php to look at the new directory would have worked.
Also, for anyone trying to bind with Azure AD Domain Services a few things:
Edit: After further investigation, it’s simpler for Azure AD. The distinguished name for binding can just be the users’ azure ad email/login. Ex: username@domain.com. So depending on how you setup your users, you would put something like {login}@domain.com into the distinguished name on OpenEMR.