LBF forms - Options?


I’m using LBF a lot but still there are few things that I don’t understand, so any help is appreciated.
I was wondering what is the purpose of following options of LBF forms

Jump to Next Row
Prepend Blank Row
Lab Order
Radio Group Master
Radio Group Member
New patient Form
Order Processor

Thanks in advance

I only know one of these and that is the Prepend Blank Row.
The name says what it does. In the design of your form if you want to add space between sections. You would use the prepend blank row between the rows you want to add blank space Like this.

Now I have prepended a blank row before beginning this sentence.

I would suggest just loading up and form and selecting the options to see what they do. That is how must of use learn what does what in the system.

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In case this is helpful - OpenEMR Project Wiki