Layout editor bugs and proposed solutions

sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, July 26, 2009:

Here are some things I’ve found wrong with the layout editor (edit_layout.php):

Problem: You cannot specify both a size and a list id.  This matters for:
o set of labeled checkboxes (21)
o set of labeled text input fields (22)
o set of exam results (23)
o labeled checkboxes + text (25)

Proposed solution: Make them separate.

Problem: Creating a group also creates a field with a name that you cannot change.

Proposed solution: Make Add Group look and work more like Add Field, but including a text box for the group name.

Problem: You cannot change a field’s group.

Proposed solution: Make the X button a checkbox, and then instead of [Rename Group] and [Delete Group], do "With checked: [Delete] [Change Group]".

Anyone have better ideas?


cfapress wrote on Monday, July 27, 2009:

Hi Rod,

I’m tackling this right now. I’ll report back with my progress.


cfapress wrote on Monday, July 27, 2009:

I’ve address this one:

Problem: Creating a group also creates a field with a name that you cannot change.

Proposed solution: Make Add Group look and work more like Add Field, but including a text box for the group name.

I’ll tackle the other ones tomorrow.


sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, July 27, 2009:

Whoops, I’ve been working on these too… will take a look at what you did and try to merge my stuff.


sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, July 27, 2009:

I have merged and committed my updates.  This includes:

- Separating list ID and length (bug #1 above)
- Removing the selection of Demographics as the initial default layout, as this slows things down
- Some minor cosmetic fixes

The last bug (not being able to change a field’s group) still remains.  Jason, it would be great if you can work on that one.  Thanks!


blankev wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2009:

It seems that there are still some problems left in Layout Based Forms. Today someone made the Gozilla Test form. It does not accept input. Worse the other created forms are saved as Gozilla Testforms. And not as the used simple Test form…

Today 20090728 before CVSDemo update, a new created LBF form accepted the new fieldname FIELD1 without showing a complete set of errors.


sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2009:

I checked in a couple more fixes this morning that should take care of these problems.  Of course they will not show up in the CVS demo site until tomorrow.


cfapress wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2009:

I’ve just committed the necessary changes to fulfill Rod’s suggestions per this comment

Problem: You cannot change a field’s group.

Proposed solution: Make the X button a checkbox, and then instead of [Rename Group] and [Delete Group], do "With checked: [Delete] [Change Group]".

Only two files have been affected and one of them is new:



sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2009:

That’s very cool – thanks Jason!


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2009:


Just to clarify, these bug fixes are not related to LBF stuff, right? (if they are not related, then I plan to merge these bug fixes into 3.1.0 branch)


sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, July 28, 2009:

They include a bit of code to do the right thing for LBF, but should work just fine without any of the other LBF code.  You will also need library/ which is new.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, August 01, 2009:

Merged these bug fixes into the 3.1.0 branch (basically everything except for the LBF stuff). Also made some internationalization bug fixes in edit_layout.php and show_groups_popup.php. Since I added the most recent library/ files, also added the changes from head concerning the formTrim function in edit_list.php (minus LBF stuff) and

blankev wrote on Saturday, August 01, 2009:


When making a form and getting the right input, (something I will like to explain more profoundly in the Layout Form manual) the results "filedname: InputResult " are shown on screen justified at the end of the input field in FirefoxBrowser.

1. Could there be a change towards justification of the label with " : " being the justification point and the result justified left one space after " : " ? It would show less garbled.

2. (Question) How do I get a field on the second row for input in the form?

3. If I decide for Data Type "Organizations", result will be that I get Providers Names/User Names what should be in Organizations? Could it be it was meant for Facility names… OR Insurance names?


blankev wrote on Saturday, August 01, 2009:

Testing the Layout Form CVS Demo version:

Make new field, when I choose Data Type make the choice "checkbox /wtext" I only get the filed name and no checkbox.

When I choose "list box w/add" I do see the add option and this add option has the ability to fill, but it does npot add or save so the choises remain only unassigned.

blankev wrote on Saturday, August 01, 2009:

filed name - "label (?)" name

blankev wrote on Saturday, August 01, 2009:


"textbox list" only gives label (?) and no option for input.

blankev wrote on Saturday, August 01, 2009:

Making Layout forms and making hte right coices could benefit from improvement:

There are roughly two options:
1. Free text
2. Text defined by pre-defined choices.

In the choices for Data Type. the last two options should bemoved upwards, because the form part of option 1.

(This has noting to do with the restrictions of the various options. Like choose Pharmacy, you can not add in similar way via Administration => Practice => Add Pharmacy, or can also be done somewhere else during Client/patient contacts)

sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, August 02, 2009:

Pimm, I don’t see the problems you describe re “checkbox w/text” and “list box w/add”.  Both of these field types require a list, perhaps you did not assign one?


blankev wrote on Monday, August 03, 2009:


I did not assign one. Now give me an explanation on how to assign one… I missed something in the manual (mine) to be…  ;-))

Did you look if there should me some reshuffle in the different options to choose once you are in layout options? Or is this a part of the checkbox etc… and options.

BTW, I found organisations as an option in OpenEMR. But most probably I didn’t give any choices since you are supposed to do some input work first.

Tomorrow I will try to find the way to go… or on your advise, if thats first to receive.


blankev wrote on Monday, August 03, 2009:

OK here I am again…

I got it working, list box w/add and so I added another INPUT to ADD for the used list. I found it back in Admistration=>List. The input of the ADD Field was there but the Field_ID was the same as Field Title. I tested it with the list of the Drug Intervals, where they used sequential numbers.

There was no problem to change the List ID in a number going to Administration => List .

Do you think this should be mentioned in the manual to be. Some of the lists have ID with numbers, other List have the same ID as Title and other List  ID are some kind of abbreviations and differ from Title. Could this give cluttered results in some of the viewable screens of printed reports?

If I am correct and trust my memory, Country names should have an ID of three Capitals and States an ID of two Capitals?

Is this of any importance? Otherwise no action is needed and handle this as just a remark.
