Layout Based Visit Forms Need Help!

tlalocan1 wrote on Saturday, November 12, 2011:

Hello I need help understanding the basics behind the different options when changing the layout of an LBV form I looked at the OpenEMR wiki but the details arent well explained. can some one please provide me with the basics of what the following things mean and how they modify the form and examples of when I would use them?

Data type:
Label Cols:
Data Cols:
Default Value:

For example if I want to create a field called Chief Complaint that has 3 text boxes (one for each chief complaint) under it instead of just one how would I go about doing that.

Any tutorials out there on LBV forms?


sunsetsystems wrote on Saturday, November 12, 2011:

We definitely need some better documentation of this area.  Very briefly:

Order: A sequence number that determines where the item appears in the group.

ID: The internal name to use for the item.

Label: The label to display.

UOR: Indicates if it is Unused, Optional or Required in the form.

Data Type: Many choices here. For the ultimate in detail, see the code in library/

Size: Generally the width in characters of a field; but for arrays of checkboxes or radio buttons this is the number of columns in the array.

List: If the data type is based on a list, this is the ID of the list.

Label Cols: Of the 4 columns in the form, the number (0-4) used to contain the field’s label.  0 means to continue it in the previous column.

Data Cols: As with Label Cols, but for the data portion of the field.

Options: Copying comments from library/

// C = Capitalize first letter of each word (text fields)
// D = Check for duplicates in New Patient form
// G = Graphable (for numeric fields in forms supporting historical data)
// H = Read-only field copied from static history
// L = Lab Order (“ord_lab”) types only (address book)
// N = Show in New Patient form
// O = Procedure Order (“ord_*”) types only (address book)
// R = Distributor types only (address book)
// U = Capitalize all letters (text fields)
// V = Vendor types only (address book)
// 1 = Write Once (not editable when not empty) (text fields)

Description: This is generally used as tooltip text in the layout.

For more detail, the following code may be enlightening:



bradymiller wrote on Saturday, November 12, 2011:


Updated the Layout Based Forms wiki page at wiki page. Most of the stuff was already there, but made formatting more clear and added the data types and options.

For your case, could create:
1. a new list in Administration lists titled ‘Three Entries’ with elements First, Second, Third (in id and title)
2. in Administration layouts and your lbf form, make a Data Type set to ‘Textbox List’ with size set to 3 and click on lists blank and in the pop-up, select ‘Three Entries’.

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