dr_smit wrote on Friday, May 09, 2008:
[root@smitdesk dr_smit]# urpmi LaTeX No package named LaTeX The following packages contain LaTeX: cpp2latex culmus-latex fonts-ttf-latex kdenetwork-kopete-latex latex-beamer latex-lettre latex-mk latex2html openoffice.org-writer2latex tetex-latex tetex-latex-arab tetex-latex-heb texlive-latex texlive-texmf-latex vim-latex writer2latex writer2latex-javadoc
jeff_ross wrote on Friday, May 09, 2008:
Try tetex-latex.
thanks for a quick reply
Another option is the texlive-latex package. texlive can be run from a dvd or installed to hard drive, and is actively developed by the tex users group. OpenBSD has switched its version of latex from tetex to texlive in the ports/packages system.