Issues listings on screen and on printout

physmed wrote on Thursday, September 14, 2006:

I am still testing openemr before we go live with it in our practice and I came accross something yesterday when I was putting in prior medical problems, allergies, surgeries etc.  On the summary screen only the allergies show up, and that is also the case on the side issues screen when putting in your new encounter for that days visit.  Also when you print out that encounter right after billing information it lists what they are allergic to any prior medical problems and any surgeries but it does not say that they are allergies etc and there are no dates associated with them.  I have found this to be true with 2.8.1 and 2.8.2-rev.  Then manual shows all of these issues on the summary screen etc and so I was wondering if that had inadvertently been eliminated?

physmed wrote on Saturday, September 16, 2006:

Never mind I figured it out after having a 3 neuron day.

mbrinson wrote on Saturday, September 16, 2006:

Would you mind posting what the problem was and how you resolved in case someone else runs into the same problem in the future?  :slight_smile:

physmed wrote on Monday, September 18, 2006:

Hi Michael I just got back online today so here is a run down of what I did.  Back in the dark ages when I was in school we were taught to put a problem sheet on the inside file cover so that at a glance we could see the patients problem history, allergies, surgeries, accidents etc.  To get something of the equivalent of this I went into the Issues section by cliking on the more area by the medical problems area on the lower left side of the summary screen.  This takes you to the issues screen where I clicked on the add issue button. I clicked on the problem radio button and typed in the problem from the patients history in the field provided. Then I went to comments and put in the date that they had the problem and what type of treatment was rendered and if it was resolved etc.  Then just to be redundant I check off the appropriate radio button at the bottom of the screen.  When you save it it gets listed under the Medical Problems heading on the left hand side of the summary screen, is listed in the box on the right hand side of the new encounter screen, and if checked is included in the printout for that encounter.  The only drawback to doing it this way is that on the initial report screen it lists all of them as still an active problem which they are not.  Let me know if I am doing this the wrong way or not because I am only doing it that way so that I have a ongoing list of past problems every time i bing up their summary screen.

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, September 19, 2006:

There are two date fields.  the first date is the start date.  The second date is the stop date.  If you decide to put a stop date is will no longer show up on the summary screen of the patient.

I get around this behavior by typing in the name of the problem and then the start date on the same line. I also add the date function on the next line as the start date.

Adding medications, allergies and surgeries all work the same way by clicking in the appropriate radio button.

Sam Bowen, MD