//Name of prescription graphic in interface/pic/ directory without preceding slash. Can be JPEG or PNG, normally 3 inches wide
$GLOBALS[‘oer_config’][‘prescriptions’][‘logo_pic’] = “prescription_logo.png”;
There is no switch to turn it off. However, when in the CVS it doesn’t display the logo. The file prescription_logo.png displays “MY PRACTICE” as a visible image.
The reason I believe this doesn’t work as well is because I am using v3.0.1 and I can not get it to display in the pdf the logo nor the signature file.
There may be an issue with controllers/C_Prescription.class.php
The Rx logo displays because it’s actually hard coded into C_Prescription.class.php
Rather than mess with the C_Presecription class, I suggest changing the config file so that value for the logo is blank.
$GLOBALS[‘oer_config’][‘prescriptions’][‘logo_pic’] = “”;
Or, if that doesn’t work, make yourself a wholly white PNG image. Then it just becomes invisible on the printed page.
Yes, I am aware that there is no "prescription_logo.png" in the C_Prescription.class.php
And yes, adding $pdf->ezImage($GLOBALS[‘fileroot’] . ‘/interface/pic/logo.png’,’’,‘50’,’’,‘left’,’’);
does work… however, that’s not how it’s suppose to work.
I don’t believe I am explaining this correctly but if you were download the latest OpenEMR and tried to edit the /includes/config.php to include a logo IT DOESN’T WORK!
Try it please… or else I am missing something. I have tried playing with the code and couldn’t get it to work. But if I did hard code it into the prescription class it does work that way… but that’s not how the software is intended to work.
I can’t see a reason why the code was changed to exclude the ability to use a logo. It would seem to me this was an accidental omission and should be corrected.
I’m at a loss here.
Could you check to see if this bug has been reported in the Tracker on SourceForge?
If it has not been reported, could you create a new bug report for it?