Issue with POS code

I am having an issue with the POS code. I have my facility listed as “Office” which should be POS code 11. However, when I look at the patient encounter, the visit summary is showing POS code 00, which is not a real code. I have tried to switch this to other POS codes, but it always comes back as 00. Any recommendations on how to fix this,

OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version 7.0.1

I’m using: 120.0.6099.129

Operating System
I’m using: MacOS 14.1.1

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hi @urologist , there was an issue or 2 with that but should be fixed if you can upgrade to 7.0.2

Thanks. I have tried to upgrade my OpenEMR installation. Now I am stuck with this error:

It states “PHP version needs to be at least 8.1.0.”

However, from as best as I can tell, the PHP version on my EC2 is 8.2. Any recommendations?

Hi @urologist ,
you need to run phpinfo(); to find out which version of php apache is loading. It can be different than what you see when you run the PHP -v command from the prompt.

@urologist upgrade your php version this will solve your upgrade problem and then you can move with your upgrade process

Hey, I need help
I’ve been getting this message for days when I try to log in
I have version opememr 7.0.2
The current version of php Thread Safe and I can’t find how to use opememr on Windows 11

hi @roger_hernandez , try downloading an xampp with php >= 8.1 and <= 8.3

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