Issue when entering the medication list from the encounter

ahmadnajjar wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:


In the patient encounter screen, I want to enter a set of medications with each other for example:
i predefined the most common used medications in the system through administration> medication issue list. all the entered medications appeared in the encounter screen but i can enter them one by one not selecting multi medication on the same process.
i think system should be more flexible in this part.

really i don’t know if there is any way to enter them in the same process, or maybe we can see changes in the future releases

appreciate your feedback in advance

thank you

blankev wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:

My advise would be to start entering medications in Prescriptions, so they can be used during any encounter.

Open Patient make a default encounter f.e. medication list, mark new client so you know it is the first encounter, save and enter prescriptions in summary. Left site last option… enter medications and tag them as active or whatever is needed.

ahmadnajjar wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:

and as a clinical provider, i need the dosage for medication including (unit, and take time) rather than generalizing all the fields for all tabs. the below attached screen shots describe my requirements.

fsgl wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:

The Medication Issue List can be modified to include dosage and frequency.

The logic of the Medication dialog box is to pick one medication and then relate characteristics to it, if the user so chooses. In the example given, the diagnosis associated with Amaryl would differ from that of Aspirin. It would not make sense to list everything from the drop down menu into one dialog. Each medication needs its own treatment. The drop down menu can be as extensive as the user wishes it to be.

Once all the medications have been entered for a patient, the list will appear in the Medications box in the Patient Summary screen. From there the entire list can be copied and pasted into a clinical note.

As an alternative, the medications can be linked in the specific encounter.

blankev wrote on Sunday, June 08, 2014:

You might have to make some changes in Administration => Global and accept the most extensive option for prescriptions.

In prescriptions you can include these parameters. THe issue typ of registration is more a general thing, like allegies anad Surgery… in the past…