What kind of taxation options are available. I am trying to recommend the use of OPENEMR for a friend in Canada.
He replied with a question: is it sensitive to federal, provincial and municipal taxes ? tax compliant ? use GST, (Goods and sale tax) HST Harmonised sales tax) etc ?
I looked at the under billing and don’t really see any facility for taxation.
Hi @Frank_Barcenas,
I am definately not an expert on the billing module of OpenEMR (or healthcare billing in general), but I do know that many end users make use of a partner that can handle CMS 1500 or X12 requests that contain CPT and ICD codes as well as the line items.
Perhaps this will help you get started while we wait for more expert community members to reply.
I have heard that some of the OpenEMR vendors (non-free solution providers) have created their own billing solutions in OpenEMR, should you choose that route. I mention this as someone with no business-ties or bias.
Thanks @MatthewVita I’ll wait and see if someone replies with a solution. Otherwise they will have to handle Accounting and OPENEMR separately.
Sounds like a plan. Do you know if they use a clearinghouse?
@MatthewVita They don’t use anything at all at the moment, and do not know if there are clearinghouses available for Canada.
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Hi Frank_Barcenas,
In OpenEMR, we have a list called TAX RATE under Administration -> Lists.
From there we can add TAX RATE for each CPT codes and it will reflect in Patient Payments.
Notes: To apply TAX RATE in CPT code , we need to tax check-box under Administration-> codes.
Please check the above options and let us know if you have any clarifications.
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