Looking for a way to do MIPS reporting using the data that’s already contained in OpenEMR. I’ve looked and haven’t found any solutions. Is this something that can be done at this time?
hi @bearzillasquatch , what exactly are you trying to report?
Looking for a way to export data that’s needed for MIPS in a format that can be used to appease medicare and their MIPS reporting requirements. As for specific data, I think it’s probably all the data (or most of it) but it needs to be in a specific JSON format for them to use. Many or most DR’s offices in the US need to file this with the government. I’m wondering what everyone else using openEMR is doing to accomplish this.
Not possible right now but that’s what the 2015 certification project is going to help accomplish.
[CMS] is applying the Merit-based
Incentive Payment System (MIPS) automatic extreme and uncontrollable circumstances (EUC)
policy to ALL individually MIPS eligible clinicians for the 2021 performance year (PY). Please
note that this announcement is for PY2021 only.
excerpted from the covid response pdf at qpp.cms.gov
Now that open emr has achieved the 2015 certification, is open emr able to generate the necessary file needed for MIPS?
hi @bearzillasquatch , yes, if you go to the chpl page and click on the Clinical Quality Measures you can see which measures can be submitted currently:
Thats awesome. How do you get the info to file in open emr 7?