Can we interact with OpenEMR using HL7 message?. Do we necessarily need any interface engine for that? Or we can directly interact with OpenEMR?
hi @Sumit_Choubey, believe that OpenEMR can only consume and generate some HL7, there is no ACK level communication at this time so that is why many use Mirth as an interface.
Thank You @stephenwaite. Can you tell me how OpenEMR can consume and generate those HL7 messages.
hi @Sumit_Choubey, most of my experience is with a results only interface where OpenEMR can import an HL7 result and generate the order. It’s configured through Procedures->Providers
Thank You @stephenwaite for your reply. Can you please tell me n brief of how can we import a HL7 message in OpenEMR and generate the order.