the insurance information area in patient demographics is no longer there. There is no option in admin-layout-demographics to add it. We have not been able to add this info to the patient demographics page.
Insurance is not part of the admin-layout-demographics section. Usually when a user reports this, it is because they have set the Administration->Globals->FEatures->Specific Application to something other than ‘None’.
Also, I am assuming on your upgrade, that you did not keep the old interface/globals.php file (this would cause a bunch of really strange behavior).
Also, note that the insurance section does not show up in the Patient Summary screen if it is empty, and can be added/edited if click the ‘Edit’ button next to Demographics.
Just played around with this a bit; the Administration->Globals->FEatures->Specific Application does not seem to have any effect on displaying the Insurance.
I think your issue may be that you simply need to click the ‘Edit’ button next to Demographics to be able to edit the insurance information.
with established patient in demographics page (patient button) I do see an insurance tab, I can expand it, and shows me the ins info. if I click on edit, both demographics and it’s tabs show, then under is an insurance heading followed by nothing. No info and no option to edit.
Also with entering a new patient there is no insurance tab in the newly created demographics page (ie radio button “patient”
I am desperate. my billing has come to a sudden stop
I followd the INSTALL file withing openemr. took me long time but I figured it out. now I know there is the wiki
Anyway, I figured it out, in
simplified demographics has to be unchecked, then ins can be edited (it cannot just be viewed with the collapse link, but this is small minor bug. I do not need that functionality