I downloaded the package: openemr-4.1.2.zip
I followed the installation guide at http://www.oemr.org/wiki/OpenEMR_4.1.1_Windows_Installation
I got passed step 1 to step 2 from the above page.
The installation is stuck at Step 3 for over 30 min while the installation are doing these:
Configuring OpenEMR…
Connecting to MySQL Server…
I guess the installation must failed or the setup is wrong. My OS is WinXP SP3
I have installed Apache, MySQL and PHP. But I did not use XAMPP package. I manually installed these peripheral packages in a particular folder (say C:\MyApp) because I want to install another app later which requires me to put Apache, MySQL, PHP in this location. I also did not use the msi installation for PHP module. I used the zip version, put the unzipped content in the above directory and manually adjust the php.ini and Apache’s httpd.conf files. Window services for Apache and MySQL are running. I also tested PHP installation is working.
Can someone please tell me how do I get unstuck from step 3 in the installation of openEMR?
One more thing. In my system, I have installed IIS (used by another app). IIS is using port 80. I moved Apache to port 8080. Could this be the problem of getting stuck? If it is, how do I get unstuck without changing the current port assignment for Apache?
Running OpenEMR under Ubuntu installed on an XP-machine could be an alternative. Even more so if a Virtual machine is used… but this needs some extra study and for the non-Linux users it is a challenge.
But the advantage of using a Virtual Machine is the change from XP to W7, or W8, becomes an easy task.
Thank you all for the feedback.
I am using WinXP for learning the installation process and investigation other apps only. Will migrate to Win8 or Linux when I feel confident on what I am doing. But thank you for reminding me to abandon WinXP ship. April 1 deadline is not April Fool joke!
I have a couple of questions regarding Stephen’s feedback.
1/ I am using “php-5.4.23-Win32-VC9-x86”. I cannot find the variable “register_globals” in any of the 3 php.ini templates. Can I just ignore setting this variable to “register_globals = Off” altogether or I really should cut and paste this back into the php.ini file.
2/ I am using Windows, in ImageMagick site, there are no Windows installation binaries available. Can I use the next best alternative such as Cygwin or MinGW version to install ImageMagick in WinXP environment? If I can, which favor is the best fit for Windows?
Thanks in advance.
Merry Christmas to all
Thank you Pieter. I have thought about turning my WinXP laptop into a Linux (Ubuntu). That will be after April. I am not familiar with Linux but I believe I have to convert sooner or later.