Installation problem

sorcererstone wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013:

I downloaded the package:
I followed the installation guide at
I got passed step 1 to step 2 from the above page.
The installation is stuck at Step 3 for over 30 min while the installation are doing these:

Configuring OpenEMR…
Connecting to MySQL Server…

I guess the installation must failed or the setup is wrong. My OS is WinXP SP3
I have installed Apache, MySQL and PHP. But I did not use XAMPP package. I manually installed these peripheral packages in a particular folder (say C:\MyApp) because I want to install another app later which requires me to put Apache, MySQL, PHP in this location. I also did not use the msi installation for PHP module. I used the zip version, put the unzipped content in the above directory and manually adjust the php.ini and Apache’s httpd.conf files. Window services for Apache and MySQL are running. I also tested PHP installation is working.

Can someone please tell me how do I get unstuck from step 3 in the installation of openEMR?

Thanks in advance.

sorcererstone wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013:

One more thing. In my system, I have installed IIS (used by another app). IIS is using port 80. I moved Apache to port 8080. Could this be the problem of getting stuck? If it is, how do I get unstuck without changing the current port assignment for Apache?


cmswest wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013:

first make sure you’re following this guide as i see the version # is incorrect for your download:

more specifically, see this:

(If not using the XAMPP package, then ensure when configuring MySQL for OpenEMR, STRICT_MODE must be disabled. This can be done using the MySQL Server Instance Configuration wizard or in the my.cnf file. You can check the setting in an existing MySQL instance by executing SHOW VARIABLES; in the MySQL Command Line Client and checking the value of SQL_MODE. For more details see: - See more at:

fsgl wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013:

Before you get further along in the installation, consider this advisory about Windows XP.

If patient data are to be entered into the local machine, there will be very serious medical-legal implications with a security breach of your system.

blankev wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013:

Running OpenEMR under Ubuntu installed on an XP-machine could be an alternative. Even more so if a Virtual machine is used… but this needs some extra study and for the non-Linux users it is a challenge.

But the advantage of using a Virtual Machine is the change from XP to W7, or W8, becomes an easy task.

sorcererstone wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013:

Thank you all for the feedback.
I am using WinXP for learning the installation process and investigation other apps only. Will migrate to Win8 or Linux when I feel confident on what I am doing. But thank you for reminding me to abandon WinXP ship. April 1 deadline is not April Fool joke!
I have a couple of questions regarding Stephen’s feedback.
1/ I am using “php-5.4.23-Win32-VC9-x86”. I cannot find the variable “register_globals” in any of the 3 php.ini templates. Can I just ignore setting this variable to “register_globals = Off” altogether or I really should cut and paste this back into the php.ini file.

2/ I am using Windows, in ImageMagick site, there are no Windows installation binaries available. Can I use the next best alternative such as Cygwin or MinGW version to install ImageMagick in WinXP environment? If I can, which favor is the best fit for Windows?
Thanks in advance.
Merry Christmas to all

sorcererstone wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013:

Thank you Pieter. I have thought about turning my WinXP laptop into a Linux (Ubuntu). That will be after April. I am not familiar with Linux but I believe I have to convert sooner or later.

cmswest wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013:

it’s safe to ignore for php 5.4 as it’s been removed:

the pink square at the top says this:

This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 5.4.0.

cmswest wrote on Sunday, December 22, 2013: