Installation problem - Http Error 404.0

yang888 wrote on Monday, April 20, 2009:

After I installed the xampp window 3.0.1 version for "Install not as service", I got the message "http eror 404.0 not found". I checked the wwwroot file and there was no "openemr" file there. Please advise how to fix it. Thanks!

bradymiller wrote on Monday, April 20, 2009:


I’m assuming you downloaded our xampp-openemr package and used below instructions:

basically with no services you then did the following:
-Right click downloaded file and select ‘Extract All…’
-Choose to extract to ‘C:’ (extracting to C: is required)
-Double-click C:/xampp/xampp-control, then click ‘start’ for mysql and apache
-Login at http://localhost/openemr with user:admin pass:pass

Your "openemr" folder should be in this directory:

Sounds like your apache web server hasn’t been started.

What happens when you double-click C:/xampp/xampp-control
- Both apache and mysql should be "running"; if not then click start button for each of these
- ALSO, as a WARNING never click the admin buttons on this menu, it causes buggy behavior

let us know how it goes,

yang888 wrote on Tuesday, April 21, 2009:

I still got the same error message.

The apache is not runnning. When I click on "start", it ran for about 2 seconds then back to "start" status.

At the very begining, when I doule-click c:/xampp/xampp-control, I got the message:

current directory c:\xampp
install directory
***Warning directory mismatch ***
Status check ok
Apache started port [80]
Busy …
MySQL started port [3306]

Thank you Brady.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 21, 2009:


Lots of questions:

Are you sure you installed to the C: drive?  (xampp has to be at C:/xampp for it to work.)

What’s your specific windows OS? 

Have you installed XAMPP previously?

What happens when you go to http://localhost in explorer/firefox?

What happens when you hit the ‘Status’ button in XAMPP control panel before and after you try to hit the ‘start’ button for apache?

In the XAMPP control panel, click the ‘SCM…’ button in top right:
This will open a window with list of services.
Do you see apache in this list?
Do you see mysql in this list (if you see mysql, is the m lower case or upper case) ?

Again, don’t hit any of the admin buttons in the XAMPP control panel or you will have another nasty bug to deal with (to avoid this bug I’d rec deleting the C:/xampp/mysql/bin/winmysqladmin.exe file)


yang888 wrote on Wednesday, April 22, 2009:

Thank you Brady!


1. Yes. The program installed to c: drive. I did not install it to c: the first time. I re-did it. I have deleted the non-c: drive files.

2. Windows OS is window vista home premium.

3. See answer 1. I installed it once but deleted the files.

4. When I ran: http://localhost in explorer, it went to IIS 7 page.

5. The status of XAMPP for apache was "0" for everything. ONce I started mysql, the status of mysql changed to "1". It seems apache is not working.

6. When I check ‘SCM…’, I did not see ‘mysql’ nor ‘apache’.

7. When I ran http://localhost/openemr, the computer said "server error in application "Default Web Site"

Error Summary
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Detailed Error Information
Module: IIS Web Core
Notification Map: RequestHandler
Handler: StaticFile
Error Code: 0x80070002
Requested URL: http://localhost:80/openemr
Physical path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\openemr
Logon Method: Anonymous
Logon User: Anonymous

Thanks again!


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, April 22, 2009:


Sounds like your running IIS (this a windows web server which will take up port 80 and not allow apache to start).  I’ve never used IIS but a google search should give you a way to disable it.  I think it can be found in windows (not xampp) control panel->administrative tools.  I think the service is called www (under SCM…).   Once you disable IIS, apache should then start up.


yang888 wrote on Thursday, April 23, 2009:

Hello Brady,

After I disabled the "server" it worked.

Control Panel -> Administration tools ->System configuration ->services -> uncheck "server".

Thank you very much for your help! I might ask you the application of "Mercury Mail" in the future. I am sure I will have many more questons to ask.



bradymiller wrote on Thursday, April 23, 2009:


Sounds good. Mercury Mail is a mail server; I’d probably stay away from it if planning an OpenEMR production server.


ideaman911 wrote on Thursday, April 23, 2009:


I remind you of the vulnerability for precisely this stuff unless users change the name of the …/mysql/bin/winmysqladmin.exe to prevent the problems.

And I agree a thousand percent about the Mercury Mail.  Use your existing email methods.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man

tuoyu wrote on Tuesday, May 05, 2009:

Hello Brady,

After I disabled the "server" it didnot  worke. Can you tell me how to do next?

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, May 05, 2009:


Couple questions:
What’s your operating system?
What version of OpenEMR are you installing?
