Installation nightmare (amature style)

diegodog88 wrote on Sunday, March 05, 2017:

Hello Everyone,

I upgraded my equipment to a Windows 10 computer, Netgear nighthawk x6 router, TP-Link Switch, Western Digital mycloud ex2 16tb (2 8TB drives)which is connected to my network. I’m an amature user and have always used Truecrypt so naturally I would like to use Veracrypt.

I’m attempting to create a volume on one of the 8TB harddrives contained in the Western Digital. I would like to make the volume size as close to the maximum size of 8tb as I can get. When I go through the process of creating the volume it gives me my drive size, in my case 7.13 TB. When I click format I receive the An unexpected network error occured - Source:volTransformThreadFunction:2744 before it gets off 0% complete. If I lower my size down to 6200GB everything starts up and appears as it will run fine. Anything over 6500GB fails with the error. I have tried in exFAT and NTSF.

I have been looking at this for the last 48 hrs and am out of ideas. Can anyone help me out or give me another path to follow?


plp384 wrote on Sunday, March 05, 2017:

I wonder what would happen if we took the drive out, connected to a sata-usb adapter or found an extra sata port on a desktop cpu and used windows to format the drive first with ntsf, then placed the drive back in ex2? Seems that there are tutorials on formatting hd’s via adapter or secondary sata port on desktop computer.

diegodog88 wrote on Sunday, March 05, 2017:

Very logical plp. Going to hold off for a bit and see if I get the miricle “hey switch this setting and everything will work” answer. If not I will order the cables and give that a go. Im a little nervous cracking that case open and pulling drives.

Also thinking about grabbing my sons windows 7 computer and giving it a go. I used TrueCrypt in Windows 7 and it was simple button pushing.

diegodog88 wrote on Monday, March 06, 2017:

Same Error received on my Windows 7 attempt.