Installation and Modifications

Is there anyone to talk to about specifics about what OpenEMR can do right out of the box? And is there any company that is able to perform install, setup and modifications?

I’m not familiar with coding, and I would like to find someone who is familiar with this product who can go through it for us.

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I would start with reviewing the list of Professional Support vendors on the OpenEMR wiki:

Keep in mind that modifications can complicate the process of future version upgrades, in addition to potentially compromising the ONC certification for the software (if that’s a concern).

The OpenEMR Features listing, should give you an idea of the base capabilities of the software:

Be aware that some things, like e-prescribing , lab interfaces, and HIE integration require agreements and/or subscriptions to 3rd party services.

Hi @Luke_Predmore , welcome to the community!
Yes, those are good introductory materials to the nature of OpenEMR. For a few docs/ descriptions about the basic clinical workflows it can do, ‘out of the box’, see the User Guide wiki page:

and check out the clinical workflow documentation:

Might want to particularly check out the generic workflow:

And the basic requirements for a fully functioning EMR: the New Clinic Essentials:

If you’re looking for support vendors it might be useful to determine if you primarily want application developers or vendors with expertise from planning your system to installing and customizing it to providing daily support to your users. MI-Squared has been supporting the OpenEMR healthcare community for over 10 years and… well… we’re good.
Best- Harley

@htuck & @Penguin8R Thank you both for the very quick responses.

Is there anyone that I can talk to about what it does right out of the box?

I know the documentation is available. But we have cone across several EHR packages that say it will do something, then once we get it inplemented, we find out that its very “ish” or that there are slight differences in what the developers mean.

We may not need extra modifications. But I would live to sit down and talk with someone about how it works 100%.

Hi Luke-
I get what you’re saying about capabilities sometimes being ‘idealized’ in the promo materials and yes, the best thing is to simply see it in action.
Drop me a line at and I’d be happy to set up a no-cost 30 minute demo using the OpenEMR public demo-- that’s literally the out- of- the- box installation with no mods or customizations at all.
Looking forward to talking with you.
Best- Harley