cobmart wrote on Friday, March 25, 2016:
Has anyone been successfull installing OpenEMR on CentOS 6?
cobmart wrote on Friday, March 25, 2016:
Has anyone been successfull installing OpenEMR on CentOS 6?
cmswest wrote on Saturday, March 26, 2016:
did you see this:
Centos Or RedHat
If using CentOS or Redhat, then ensure when configuring MySQL for OpenEMR, STRICT_MODE must be disabled. This can be done in the MySQL configuration (my.cnf) file. You can check the setting in an existing MySQL instance by executing SHOW VARIABLES; in the MySQL Command Line Client and checking the value of SQL_MODE. For more details see:
fsgl wrote on Saturday, March 26, 2016:
See this.