Install OpenEMR 5.0.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter using IIS as web server

Can anyone please assist with step by step on how to Install OpenEMR 5.0.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter using IIS as web server.

We are trying to install individual servers (windows Server 2012 R2) at each location regardless on internet availability then update the global database whenever internet is available. We have multiple locations but internet availability is not constant

I will appreciate your assistance.

What assistance are you seeking?

Step by step installation on how to install it on Windows server and SQL. I
tried with apache but missing some steps. Like what is the load module to
configure in apache to point to etc

The system is developed for the most part on Apache development servers. My suggestion if you are starting out. It would be best to use the standard version of Windows Server. Because all you really need is the basic OS and a few tools to manage the OS. From there, you can download the and that will give you everything you need to be up in 15 minutes. When you are installing OEMR the next to last page will show you the optimal setting for PHP and MySQL. Installation Instructions

From there you should be able to start building and serving clients.

Thank you. Apache is where the issue is. I have apache up and running but I don’t know what file from the openemr i need to configure in the “apache - conf-httpd.conf” and what and what i need to do to use solely apache without the xampp. We are having problem with xampp and it also seems once its off, the whole application is off.

I understand where you are. I have been there and I can tell you that your thinking is off a little. Apache by itself is a problem. Because you will need PHP.

I remember long ago when I first started web development and learning how to setup a web server. PHP is separate from Apache. It was a nightmare to get those two to talk to one another. Then XAMP came out and WAMP. (I’m a WAMP user).
Those packages took the headache out of getting these three packages to work together. The two packages are very different.

You are in the right spot to configure apache. The httpd_config file is where most of things are turned on. And yes, if you turn off XAMP you turn off apache. If you want to take the long road and install apache by itself. Then you will have to manually install PHP and configure the drives to connect to Apache to deliver the content. I have WAMP so long, I couldn’t begin to tell you how to make that happen.

However, if you ask a more specific question, I can give you a more specific answer. I run Windows Server 12 standard on AWS with WAMP stack 3.0.8. Been doing this for over 5 yrs now so I have some knowledge to share.

Thank you for the detail response. I understand everything you mentioned. I don’t have much experience with PHP. Let me ask specific questions now. Now XAMP is up and running and i’m able to login into the system.

(1). How do I make clients computer search for the URL? Do I need to setup IIS or share the folder? What is the method you are using? I need your guidance

(2). I assume you have multiple local, if yes, how do you connect the locations and update global database if each location are running independently?

This is really five different questions compacted. Let me take a few at a time.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE start IIS. IIS will conflict with Apache for port 80.

Apache is your web server and it will serve up the EMR.

If you can access http://localhost/openemr, then you can point your users to http://youserveripaddress/openemr.

So go to a user pc on the same network and open the browser and type in the

Replace the with your network IP address of your server.

If you are planning on having clients access the server across the internet from remote locations will take a few more steps.

to do what you are proposing you are going to need something like

May I suggest a simple answer to failover? If you want to make sure that there is a central data repository and that if the internet service to clients is compromised. Why not have more than one internet provider in a location. In some of the work I have done, I have seen up to three internet service providers in a facility. They are for redundancy and consistant connection to the outside. There should never be a time that all three are down. Placing the modems on UPS gives life to the network internet connection for upto two hours in case of a power outtage.

Thank you for your time. I was able to use the servername/opener on any
client machine