Is there a way to insert a component of the patient clinical summary into an encounter note, such as inserting the current med list or last set of labs? I’m looking for the similar functionality you get with EPIC EMR using the dot phrases. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
Looks like the feature does not exist:
Unfortunately, OpenEMR notes currently don’t directly support embedding dashboard elements. However, depending on what you’re trying to achieve, there might be alternative solutions:
1. Referencing Dashboard Data:
- Textual references: Instead of embedding elements, you can simply mention relevant data points from the dashboard in your note. For example, “Blood pressure readings taken today show an average of 130/80 mmHg, as indicated on the patient dashboard.”
- Copy & paste: If specific graphs or tables are helpful, you can copy and paste them from the dashboard directly into your note as static images. Be aware of potential formatting issues.
Try this as a starting point for you to enhance.
I had someone approach me to help build a similar dot syntax implementation on top of what is used for Nation Notes. The CAMOS note is another reference point for this. If its something people are interested in funding, we can get people to build it.
So what does it take to fund something like this? and how does one go about getting started? I feel like this is one crucial area of OpenEMR that needs to be improved upon.
On technology side, both (notes and camos) require clinician to know what they have set up previously for use in a single (type of) form. That approach made sense when the application was running on 386 processor. With the current setup, it would be easier to take a fresh look at requirements and make the helper universal with existing data presented in decreasing order of occurrences.
More importantly, users continually ask for automatic analytic support throughout the application. This means known attributes of patient should be used to limit the choices offered - e.g. Gravida/para related texts should not be offered to males. We have tried crude implementation but lack of data dictionary makes it a maintenance nightmare.