Inpatient module (proprietary)

I use OpenEmr for my 30 bedded hospital for outpatient as well as inpatient use. I have created the indoor bed facility as suggested by you, along with methods (and additional tables) for addition / deletion / modification of inpatient data / shifting of beds. I have also modified the tracker page to show currently admitted patients. I have created a customised LBF form for the discharge summary too, that includes operative notes.
However I do not use the procedure / pharmacy-prescription part since we have outsourced the pathology and pharmacy services. I am currently working to generate / store and use templates for automatic filling of forms for common diagnoses and for OPD use. These would then have to be just edited for minor details.

Attaching some screnshots: (sorry , can post only 1 image as I am a new user :frowning: )