Injection Unit Inquiry

ksears wrote on Wednesday, December 28, 2005:

We went live on the system yesterday…I don’t know how because I think we were not really ready for it, but I guess if you don’t jump in…we will never learn, but as I am doing the charges…I am wondering where we add the units of injections.  We are Family Practice and we see infants to Medicare pts and different age pts need different doses on medication.  Where do you add the units of injection before I start the batch processing to get my file ready for Zirmed?


ksears wrote on Wednesday, December 28, 2005:

Please ignore the previous posting.  One of my employees figured it out.  It’s under encounter superbill and more.  The question we do have is what is the difference between the mail list and the list that shows up under superbil (more)?  I guess the way that I understand is that the list that shows up when I go to superbil (more)is what was loaded by my IT person and as I am starting to add charges I am adding them to the Main List…is that a true statment.  Please ignore my babbling…I am just a little frustrated at the moment. 

andres_paglayan wrote on Wednesday, December 28, 2005:

the superbill will show the codes which you marked as to be shown in the superbill,
go to superbill, click on (more) find the code you want, and clik on the [edit] link of that code,
it will be shown in the upper form, change the value of “show in superbill” to yes, and save,
same option for new codes entered which you’ll like to see in the superbill,

ksears wrote on Wednesday, December 28, 2005:

Ok! This is what we have been doing?  We just don’t understand why we have to do it…it’s seem like we are making a separate list since it’s alreay in the system.  I guess the purpose is to tie it to the system?  Please don’t take this wrong…I just like to understand what I am doing and to “my logic” it make no sence becuase I feel like we are doing double work…but if it’s the way the system works…I will do it and won’t ponder on it again.  I just get stubborn sometimes.  Thank you for your help.  Kenia

andres_paglayan wrote on Tuesday, January 03, 2006:

if the code is already in the database, then you edit it, and just change whether or not to show in the superbill, there is no separate or duplicate list, just a flag that says if the code should be in the superbill.