Is there a special syntax you need to use when including a file such as in the default.php day/week view files?
I’ve tried including it through the smarty template method [-include file="/openemr/library/"-] and within the [-php-] section with include_once() but in both cases when I make a call to acl_check() I get a “call to undefined function”
I’m sorry to be a nuisance, but would you mind elaborating a little on the controller code?
I’m not familiar with that part yet and how it interfaces with the template for the calendar.
IE: What would be the best method for including the in the controller code so that I could, for example, have a permission based on phpgacl that would make the IN, LUNCH, and OUT links not clickable (remove the <a> </a> in code for the template) so that unauthorized users couldn’t accidentally change those events and screw up the calendar.
I just need to be able to make a call to acl_check() from within the template.
What’s the best way to include that in the controller code?