After upgrading to 4.2.0, the first selection from Fee Sheet list populates.
With additional selections, it must be preceded by a dialog, “Someone has just change this visit. Please cancel this page and try again”. After clicking the OK button, more selections will populate. If the dialog does not appear, it can be induced with the Refresh button. Each selection must be preceded by the dialog. Never saw dialog prior to 4.2.0. See attachments.
Unable to replicate in 4.2.0 Demo. Local situation is quite bearable, but a fix would be nicer.
Php error log:
Missing argument 3 for optionalAge(), called in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\ on line 1665 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\library\ on line 57
For users in practices with multiple billing clerks, the enhancement mentioned above, permits synchronization of the Fee Sheet; thereby minimizing duplication of charges.
For offices with only 1 biller, the enhancement creates more work.
go to openemr/interface/forms/fee_sheet/new.php.
uncomment lines 645, 649, 652, 653 & 654 by inserting 2 forward slashes (//) at the start of the lines.
First attachment shows the view before, while second shows after.
Thanks for the link & help.
This is occurring in Window 7, Firefox.
Perhaps this may also require another set of choices in Administration/Globals.
Rod added this code more than a year ago. It should not be popping up
uniess there is a real issue with the check sum of the record. Commenting
out the code does not seem like a solution. I think you may be hiding a
bigger issue that may bite you.
Please be aware that e-mail communication can be intercepted in
transmission or misdirected. Please consider communicating any sensitive
information by telephone. The information contained in this message may be
privileged and confidential. If you are NOT the intended recipient, please
notify the sender immediately with a copy to and
destroy this message.
Right guys, maybe fsgl could add this to the alertmsg:
$alertmsg = xl(‘Someone else has just changed this visit. Please cancel this page and try again.’) .
"current checksum is " . $current_checksum . " visit checksum is " . $_POST[‘form_checksum’] ;</>
It was never in 4.1.2. In this case symptomatic relief will prevent diagnosis. Would you like to try Stephen’s suggestion to get some more info? Or see if you can repro it on a demo site?
A big part of this picture is that the “Review” feature of the Fee Sheet includes logic that submits the form “under the covers” as an AJAX process whenever a code is added. This causes the checksum to change, and so there is logic to update the checksum accordingly in the on-screen form as this happens.
The AJAX logic adds complexity and also demands features on the browser side that might not be commonly used; so it’s very possible that there is a browser-specific problem.
It’s also very important to observe if the problem happens every time in a setting where it occurs, or if it is intermittent… this makes a huge difference in the approach used for tracking it down. An intermittent problem would suggest a race condition.
I did a test on the 4.2.0 demo site. Seemed to work fine.
So, help us out here please. Don’t just sweep it under the rug.
I think it may come down to timing. Testing on a bogged down windows computer elicited the alert. If another item is selected before the previous item finishes loading it throws the error.
Could an onLoad method be added to the alert call?
No problem in test copy, 4.2.0, Firefox 34.0, LM 17.
In production copy, 4.2.0, Firefox 34.1, Windows 7 Home Edition; the following observations:
Uncommenting lines 645, 649, 652, 653 & 654 served only to permit selection of CPT codes from list for patients who already had prior entries for the same encounter, not for new encounters.
The need to ok message/refresh to induce message occurred every time the Fee Sheet list or search for ICD-9 was deployed.
We have never used the Review function.
After removing // from the lines in #1 & adding the 2 extra snippets after line 435, it’s business as usual, before 4.2.0 (at least for now).
Firefox in Windows is a different animal from that in Linux.
When Firefox was upgraded to 33.0, the Greasemonkey script no longer worked for Allscripts, such that patient demographics & patient search had to be entered manually.
Additionally, Issues could not be edited in Patient Summary & had to be done from the Issues module.
Clinical Reminders could not be edited from Patient Summary, by clicking the reminder. It became necessary to click the Edit button. If editing was attempted from Patient Summary, despite the presence of data that the task had been completed, the reminder persisted as if no action had been taken.
These difficulties may or may not be relevant to the topic of this thread; but perhaps these observations, after Firefox underwent a drastic change, would add to the understanding.
Stephen, an overloaded server can definitely explain it. The AJAX update happens asynchronously, so might still be in progress when you add the next code to the fee sheet. I’ll have to think about a good solution, but in the meantime it should be sufficient to wait until the last code you added to appear on the screen before adding another one.
fsgl, you say it happens every time with your production site using Firefox for Windows. Could you try the same Firefox with the test/demo site, to see if it’s the browser?
EDIT: As a point of interest, there are actually two AJAX calls that happen each time a code is added.
Was able to reproduce problem on 4.2.0 Demo, Firefox 34.05, Windows 7 (same laptop for production) for a fleeting second. After entry of 5 charges, while attempting to add a 6th charge, the message popped up. Unable to reproduce it again, despite multiple attempts.
Thanks fsgl! I take it you entered the charges in rapid succession? Until/unless otherwise indicated I’ll assume it’s caused by entering a code before the AJAX process for saving the prior code has completed.