In Swagger, FHIR API working, but Standard API not working

Hi Team,
When I apply the API Client, I select all scope but system/*,
I can authorize with Swagger, and try FHIR API.
But all Standard API return 401 Error: Unauthorized,
Here is response:

Do you know what I am missing?

What scopes did you register with for your client application? If you only registered with FHIR scopes you will get the response you are seeing. Note the frontend admin page only allows registration of FHIR scopes, there’s an outstanding feature request to enhance the page to allow the older ‘standard’ api scopes that OpenEMR used prior to FHIR.

Scopes of the API Client

  • openid
  • fhirUser
  • online_access
  • offline_access
  • launch
  • launch/patient
  • api:oemr
  • api:fhir
  • api:port
  • profile
  • name
  • address
  • given_name
  • family_name
  • nickname
  • phone
  • phone_verified
  • email
  • email_verified
  • site:default
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/DocumentReference.$docref
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • patient/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/DocumentReference.$docref
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/Organization.write
  • user/
  • user/Patient.write
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/Practitioner.write
  • user/
  • user/
  • user/

Thank you for reply.
If the frontend admin page only allows registration of FHIR scopes,
how to get registration for using standard API ??