In reference to the "Eye Exam" in openemr is it possible to change the font size used in the glasses and contacts RX?

In reference to the “Eye Exam” in openemr is it possible to change the font size used in the glasses and contacts RX?


Can you please share the screen shot of the OpenEMR Screen ?
We did check with the eye exam form in OpenEMR and it has ‘N’ number of fields and text . It would be better if we get the exact fields to which you want to change the font size.



For the eye glass rx, I would like to increase the font in the comment section. For the contact rx, I would like to increase the font in the comment section and brand name of contacts that are printed.


Are the eye glass rx and contact rx fields are available in latest OpenEMR demo versions ? or its a customized field ?

We checked the eye form and couldn’t able to find the mentioned field .Can you please mark those field and send us a screen shot ?


The size is determined by the class “refraction” found in /openemr/interface/forms/eye_mag/css/style.css on line 253.

Add to . refraction{ … } the desired font-size, such as: font-size:14px;


.refraction {
min-height: 220px;
border: 1.00pt solid #000000;
box-sizing: content-box !important;
box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #888888;
border-radius: 8px;
margin: 8 auto;

@Visolv, these are all standard sections within the eye form, opened by clicking
W | MR | AR | CTL | Add. | Va in the Vision panel… Their display status is an eye-form preference/global set on a per-user basis. Once opened, they are auto-opened across patient encounters. Once closed, they are not opened on the next encounter. Some clinicians will never dispense a contact lens, others often so these panels are displayed based on user preference, with the default having them all closed. Same is true for the Glaucoma Flow Sheet, and all the canvas and quick pick areas in the form.


You can enter a specific style=“font-size:XXpx;” in each of these fields manually if you wish. The are located around line1593 (my line number may be different than yours) in /openemr/interface/forms/eye_mag/view.php :

<select id="CTLBRANDOD" name="CTLBRANDOD" tabindex="10232">
<select id="CTLBRANDOD" name="CTLBRANDOD" tabindex="10232" style="font-size:14px;">

and same for CTLBRANDOS found 19 lines further down.

NOTE: The refraction panels are sized to match their bretheren - you could make these fields large enough to make the user interface look really ugly… If you do something silly like set the font-size to 30px you’ll see what I mean.

Finally, check these changes and see if you need font changes in the EyeGlass/CTL Rx dispense areas too.

Maybe a little more plus in the mid section of the provider’s Rx would make these changes unnecessary? :eyeglasses:

Here is a screen shot. The action areas to open these are yellow: