I am new to OpenEMR and evaluating it for a hospital. This seems to be a great software and thanks for developing it.
I wanted to know a few things which I could not locate anywhere in the software or the documentation:
Is In Patient management - IPD (as against Out patient - OPD) supported in OpenEMR? For example, can I define wards, rooms and ICU etc. and assign patients to these?
Can I create a discharge report for IPD patients?
Can I create observation charts for IPD patients which nurses and doctors can use to input observations, medications etc?
Is immunization or vaccination schedule supported in OpenEMR? I can see immunization records being supported but can I for example, define a vaccination schedule for a patient and OpenEMR remind me of an upcoming vaccination for him?
Just from memory and reading the Forums, I tihink it is all possible. But you need to do a lot of fine tuning.
For starters it might help to contact some of the foreign big users again from memory: Poject in Kenia or Somalia, the IPPF Users etc, but you will have encountered the names in the WIKI pages.
Going from idea in your Hospital setting I would explore Multi facility set-up and give each department their own Facility. Next you want to give the ACL/permission to view and correct patient files and add options.
I hope the users who work with OpenEMR in Hospiltal settings will jump in and correct me, so the search for correct implementation and solutions will not give the impression it is impossible.
With some luck and perseverance you will accomplish!
OpenEMR in general is intended only for ambulatory patients and not for in-patients. Hospital scenario is different from openemr, the same is discussed in this thread OpenEMR in Hospitals
In summary it is possible (easy way out), but need a lot of support work to get what you need. Or, as sometimes happens is the Hospital you are referring to, more like an outpatient clinic with the option of sometimes a stay over, and not something like a University Hospital.
Let us know what will be your next step! Good for the future questions!
My first attempt to learn an open source option for record keeping was VistA. My conclusion was that it was designed for a hospital, not for an outpatient primary care office. So maybe this link would be a better match for a hospital, while I believe openemr is far superior for an outpatient clinic.
We are one of the OpenEMR Customization & Support providers. For commercial customization support related to in-patient, feel free to contact us offline at openemr.mktg@visolve.com