Import Patient List

armzak wrote on Tuesday, May 12, 2009:

I have a patient list in an excel spreadsheet.  Is there a way to import the list into openemr rather than entering each patient into the system?

ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, May 12, 2009:


Yes.  Dr Bowen made a "loader" for me which requires you to map your data in a CSV to the data fields in the "patient_list" database with one caveat - the fields which have drop-down values will show an error which is simply fixed as you edit each patient record.  It will WORK fine even if you never fix them, though, as the data is actually correct.  It is just a linkage issue within OpenEMR.  My personal approach was to only fix as we saw a patient.

Contact me via my website directly and I’ll send you the file and some pointers.  If you are uncomfortable with programming, I can set it up for your data for a fee.  I will need to get some specific info about your OpenEMR database and its current values.  I’ll be happy to explain if you contact me.

Please note that there are only a limited few database files which can be so loaded because of relational programming, which is actually the cause of the errors noted above.  So many data values might not be loadable.  But most patient specifics should.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man

ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, May 12, 2009:


I forgot to mention - I presume you are working in Windows.  If not, I am unsure if the loader works the same in Linux, but I do not know of any specific reason it shouldn’t either.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man

blankev wrote on Tuesday, May 12, 2009:


My advise would be as follows, (I did this the first time and it still works for new versions):

Make some well known clients while logged-in in OpenEMR and be sure to fill as many as possible fields with some good understandable information.

Than go to Administration => Other => Database and phpMyAdmin will be shown, you export these just made new clients as CSV file. (Click table of patient information, then export as…) Select all and import in any plain text file, notebook or EditPad Light etc.

Save this file as CSV compatible.

Import this CSV file in an Excel spreadsheet.

Import your patient information collumn after collumn into the correct collumns of the example, keep the same layout otherwise your table will not be imported correct in phpMyAdmin. All rows shouls be the same as in original file!

Be sure to give every patient a unique key in the right collumn.

Import CSV file into OpenEMR using phpMyAdmin.

tabSQL import text file. You might have to close upper part of the right frames to find the impoer text file option.

It might not be compatible/accepted the first time, but look at the errors and you should be able to find the needed corrections. In my case the birthdays and telephone numbers were in error, but if you know where to look you can correct, I think all fields can be imported as text fields, so dates etc won’t give corrupted information…

If import fails after some rows, be sure to check the lines before and after the failure. But at least the first couple of lines that wer exported in the first step should always be correct.

Delete all rows in the table: EMPTY table patient_data
So clean table, and don’t delete the table, before import! Use EMPTY (and do NOT use DROP)

If you find this information incorrect, feel free to tell me and we might get a solution if you send me your headache…

Don’t forget to delete your example patients while in phpMyAdmin. Click table patient_data, BROWSE and go to example patient (pt 1, 2, 3, etc ) and delete. Do this after correct import of patient demographics. This won’t work for othes patiens record liek SOAP or Referrals etc.
