Import Patient data from another system

Using another system/software for Receipts at the moment. Have a big Patient database with more patients adding everyday. How do I import that database into openemr?

If your other database can be exported using FHIR I think you should be able to import it otherwise you are going to have to create a script to match tables and their rows.

The easiest way for a someone who is not a SQL expert (me) would be to export your tables as csv and map the fields to the values that are in Open EMR tables/rows then import the csvs.

If you just need demographics, you can use any of the database tools to add new records to patient_data table. It you have full set of data like billing and encounters, you will need to lookup how multiple tables are related.

Thanks, Just need Demographics only. From the other database, I can make a table in openemr format and export data. But where and which option do I use to Import data, I can see only import xml option ?

I am not aware of any standard mapping and importing script. If it is one time import, use any db admin toolset to Extract from other db, Transform/Translate to EMR values and Load in emr using same or other db admin toolset - standard ETL process.

It quickly gets complicated if you will be doing this repeatedly.

Best luck.

Have to do repeatedly also but never mind, atleast one time import also I am not able to do at present. Don’t know which tool to use. Need help…

From your DB export patient data to a spreadsheet (excel, libreoffice). Then complete the columns with the following data:

You should not fill all the columns, only the ones you need
Then export (or save as) as text (csv).
At the end import with phpMyadmin or another, in openemr’s patient_data table the csv file.

Thanks, Will try and give you update