I am importing about 15011 CCDA files which zipped together is about 4GB. Is there a way i can do the import with a script at the backend?
Has anyone done this already? Is there a script available to share?
I am importing about 15011 CCDA files which zipped together is about 4GB. Is there a way i can do the import with a script at the backend?
Has anyone done this already? Is there a script available to share?
OpenEMR has commands for importing ccdas from the command line. Look at how the random patients are imported with the openemr-cmd. It imports a bunch of CCDAs that are generated via the Synthea command. You could follow the same process to bulk import your patients using the ccda command line tools.
Thank you Stephen for the suggestion.
Isn’t the openemr-cmd for docker installations?
Its used to manage the docker installations but for the random patient generator it will make calls to the openemr/bin/console command. Here’s some information I sent another individual about the import process that you would probably find useful.
Lines 228-235 shows what’s called in the docker container for the import random patients command https://github.com/openemr/openemr-devops/blob/master/utilities/openemr-cmd/openemr-cmd
The import-random-patients function is in devtoolsLibrary.source lines 214-231 https://github.com/openemr/openemr-devops/blob/master/docker/openemr/flex-edge/utilities/devtoolsLibrary.source
These are the relevant underlying calls that are used from the bash script https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/contrib/util/ccda_import/import_ccda.php
The import_ccda.php internally calls w/ the bin/console command either the following script in dev mode or the CcdaImport.php and CcdaNewPatient.php files in production mode.
Dev Mode https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/src/Common/Command/CcdaNewpatientImport.php Production Mode
openemr/src/Common/Command/CcdaImport.php at master · openemr/openemr · GitHub https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/src/Common/Command/CcdaNewpatient.php
This looks like a solid plan. I will test that and report back