Now let’s take a look at the device lookup API.
It can also return the data in json or xml format.
It can take in as input the full Universal Device Identifier(UDI) in the above example (01)51022222233336(11)141231(17)150707(10)A213B1(21)1234
Or the DI, or Device Identifier string. 51022222233336 in the above example.
However the string must be put percent/url encoded. I think for the device identifier it should just be alphanumeric characters.
For a UDI API request it should look like this:
For a DI API request it should be:
We’ll need to decide what information to collect store locally. My initial thoughts are the sterilization method and contact fields. Also MRI safety information. If a person has a device with MRI concerns we’ll want to put that on the dashboard for sure.
However instead of pulling out all the device information and making it look pretty, we can also just create a link that directs the clinician to the device information page.
For example a device with DI D0470046351
The below link sends you to the GUDID site with a nice GUI.
Let’s generate this link in PHP. We’ll need to make a string with this format:
link text
But since we’re going to be appending strings within strings you’ll need to make sure you escape the double quotes you want to keep without.
$DevicePage= “<a href=“” . $Parsed[“di”] . “”>Visit Access GUDID Device Information Page”;
echo $DevicePage
This creates a link that says:
Visit Access GUDID Device Information Page
and sends you to
Which isn’t a real medical device but if it were that should work.