Hi, I cannot finish the installation of OpenEMR, failure when filling in the MyQSL and OpenEMR fields, with User Name and Passwords
Are you entering the username and password? Are you copying and pasting or manually typing in the information?
I am getting this same issue on a fresh install. I captured it on video. Starting my investigation.
This is a clean install of Ubuntu 22.04
PHP 8.1
follow all the instructions for the dependencies installation. I can log into the database from the command line with the same credentials I am putting in the form in the video.
@juggernautsei Are you supplying the sequel engines root credentials or using an user account?
I just recently tested this process recently with success.
@sjpadgett Yes.
I don’t use root outside of the server. I create a user with root privileges.
CREATE USER 'root_openemr'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Vcvi4Wt6RAGRw8*a';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root_openemr'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Then I use this account to create the database and whatever else is needed.
Additional information:
Server version: 10.6.12-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 Ubuntu 22.04
It turned out to be something really simple.
In the password for the root account, I was using ` as one of the characters. This was throwing the error.
Hi MEDJDOUBMouhtiMouh,
Welcome to Openemr Community .Refer below link for openemr Installation