Identifying Encounters Not Billed

I wanted to see if anyone knew a way to identify two sets of data: (1) calendar entries that haven not had an encountered created and (2) encounters that have not had a fee sheet created.

My understanding of the billing manager is that only encounters with a fee sheet created will appear in the billing manager to submit. I’d like to be able to identify stray encounters that have not been billed.

It would be great if that functionality was built in (and I just don’t know it)! Or if a query would need to be generated to pull out the data.

hi @dmnlbh ,

  1. would be a new report, will have to be a special query because there’s no defined connection btw appointments and encounters currently in the database.
  1. is already captured by the encounters report, the status will change from Empty to Open once a fee sheet has been added

So one way that I check for appointments without encounters and encounters that haven’t been billed yet is to use the “Reports->Visits->Appt-Enc”
This report allows you to use a range of dates to search for all appointments entered, whether an encounter has been created (will show as “no visit”), charges, and whether the encounter was billed or not using the “Billing Manager” tool.

It’s not specifically what you are looking for, but it is a report that is already included in the software that will provide information about what has/hasn’t been billed and what notes needed entered.

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