ICD9 Codes

anonymous wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2009:

I hae been trying to search even the simplest ICD9 codes to put in my patients charts and yet when i search anything it always hows no results for the search. Are the codes in the program? Do I have to activate something?

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, July 23, 2009:

There’s a utility contrib/util/load_icd9_desc.plx that loads them.  However I think it may be broken right now due to recent changes to the web site www.icd9data.com which is where it gets the data from.  I hope to have a bit of time in the next 1-2 weeks to fix it, if nobody else gets to it first.


anonymous wrote on Friday, July 24, 2009:

Ok, thanks. How will this update be released to us?

sunsetsystems wrote on Friday, July 24, 2009:

When it’s fixed it would be checked into CVS.  Then you could download it from:



anonymous wrote on Wednesday, July 29, 2009:

I see the update in the CVS but how do I put that into the OpenEMR?

cfapress wrote on Thursday, July 30, 2009:


You can choose to download the file from the CVS repository. Look for the (download) link next to the newest revision, at the top of the list. Then you simply copy the downloaded file into your OpenEMR installation to replace the old one.


haeche wrote on Friday, August 21, 2009:

Hi. I’m not sure where to place the script file. I’m using the xampp 3.0.1 version in windows.

cfapress wrote on Friday, September 11, 2009:


You would put the updated file in a subdirectory of your openemr installation:


You’ll see the original file there that needs to be replaced.


advancedmedical wrote on Monday, December 07, 2009:

anyone successfully update the link? i edited the load_icd9_desc.plx  and even update to the latest patch and still can not get it to load any ICD at all.

penguin8r wrote on Monday, December 07, 2009:

I’ve been trying to use it as well.  It’s odd, the script runs, you can see it collecting the data from the website, but no data is actually inserted into the codes table in the DB.  Might have to output to a file then try to import into MySQL.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, December 07, 2009:


It should work(i just tested it), but you need most recent file (in the 3.1.0 patch). See this thread for more details:


  : http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/forums/forum/202504/topic/3481029

penguin8r wrote on Tuesday, December 08, 2009:

Brady’s right as usual, I just grabbed the most recent version from CVS & it worked perfectly.  Just in time to deploy a new server for a client, Thanks!

rdh61 wrote on Friday, December 11, 2009:

Hi, I have been having the same problem. I’ve followed the instructions on this thread, but they have not worked for me. The latest file in the repository is this one, if I’m not mistaken:

//Revision - (view) (download) (annotate) -
Fri Oct 23 20:36:00 2009 UTC (6 weeks, 6 days ago) by bradymiller
Branch: rel-310
Changes since +1 -1 lines
Diff to previous , to branch point 1.5 , to next main 1.7

patch for web site change from markob100//

I downloaded it but could not replace the existing “loadicd9desc.plx” with the script as I am denied permission to edit the file.
However, I opened the file as root and was able to edit it. Likewise with database name, username and password as instructed in this thread.

I then ran the script from the terminal, and observed it obtaining all the diagnostic codes successfully from the website.

But I still the Code Finder is not populated when trying to enter a diagnosis in Issues. I notice when I look at the “loadicd9desc.plx” file that it has been edited successfully when logged in as root, but not when logged in as myself. Does this explain why it’s not working? What can I do?

Many thanks.

penguin8r wrote on Friday, December 11, 2009:

If you delete the original script as root & then copy the new version in from CVS as root, you should then be able to run the new version.  There are a couple of variables to export from the command line (DB user & password, I ran it as the MySQL root user, but be very careful if you choose to do it that way!), & then you should be able to run the perl script successfully & populate the DB table.

ideaman911 wrote on Friday, December 11, 2009:


Please read your note as though you had no idea what the writer was talking about, and ask what you should watch out for.  That is a form of instruction shorthand which forces potential users to both make mistakes and become frustrated.  If the user is a newbie, they may decide to go elsewhere, and we do not want them doing that.  So please in future be specific about steps, and especially any problems.  Thanks.

That said - what OS are you using?  If you look at the ICD9 code posting by this thread you can see I am trying to make it work seamlessly (with no success so far) in windows, in hopes that we can have a simple batch file which will run it if the latest PLX file (which is replaced by the patches when we know of them) is compatible with the icd9data.com website.

If you know how to make the xampp distribution version run them, and how to insert the needed libraries as shown in the PLX file, please let me know so I can get that operating.  Thanks.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241     im@holzerent.com

rdh61 wrote on Saturday, December 12, 2009:


Yes, running the script as root solved the problem. Thank you.


I’m running Linux Mint 7 Main edition.

penguin8r wrote on Tuesday, December 15, 2009:

   That’s my bad, sorry.  Consequence of being at work for 30+ hours straight & wanting to try to help someone & finally go home @ the same time.  I don’t consider myself to be any sort of OpenEMR expert but I do support & administer quite a few production systems that run 24/7 & if anybody ever wants my real-world input I’ll do the best I can to help.  If someone wants a step by step CLI how-to I’ll be glad to write one up when I have some free time.
I haven’t yet taken the plunge into trying OpenEMR on a Windows server, Ubuntu Server (6.0.6 & 8.0.4 LTS versions) has been pretty good to me so far & the small-to-medium size clients we service rarely have the extra $$$ to fork over for a server version copy of Windows.  That being said, I would like to experiment with OEMR on Windows in the interests of being able to implement it if necessary, someone’s bound to ask that ? sooner or later.  My specific experience with the ICD9 scripts comes down to 2 points of interest.
1.  If the script is run using the ‘openemr’ MySQL user account, it runs, but no data is actually input to the table.  Run as root & it’s fine.  I don’t really see a downside to this, I was just trying to warn rdh61 to be careful when performing any MySQL operations as root, a few incorrect keystrokes can do a lot of damage when you’re operating as the superuser.
2.   I think this may be something related to the way Perl is implemented on Ubuntu Server, but if I run the script with the variables embedded, I get Perl compilation errors & the script aborts.  Exporting the needed values from the CLI allows the script to run properly.  .  I’m not sure if the Perl/Windows/XAMPP problems are something similarly related to DB permissions or a Perl execution problem.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, December 15, 2009:


If you follow the Linux instructions posted in below thread, this should work with the openemr mysql user account:


  : http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/forums/forum/202504/topic/3481029/index/page/1

rdh61 wrote on Saturday, December 19, 2009:

Hi Brady,

> If you follow the Linux instructions
> posted in below thread, this should
> work with the openemr mysql user
> account:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/forums/forum/202504/topic/3481029/index/page/1

I did and couldn’t. I had to run the script as root.