Icd9/10 codes

walkeashutosh wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

I have two servers hosting two different sites.
I have installed ICD9/10 codes onto my EMR.
At one site it is working very fine but on second site i am facing some issues.

I am getting this error

ERROR: query failed: SELECT c.id, c.code_text,
c.code_text_short, c.code, c.code_type, c.modifier, c.units,
c.fee, c.superbill, c.related_code, c.taxrates, c.cyp_factor,
c.active, c.reportable, c.financial_reporting, ‘ICD9’ as
code_type_name FROM codes as c WHERE (c.code_text
LIKE ? OR c.code LIKE ?) AND c.code_type = ? AND
c.active = 1 ORDER BY c.code+0,c.code

Code Description

can anyone please help me with it

Thanks in advance

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

Hello Ashutosh

In which page/action this error getting displayed ?

Could you share more details to help you.

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

blankev wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

ICD9/ICD10 is OR not AND. You have to install ICD9 or ICD10 there is nothing in place to run both of them.

If this is not the case, please follow the Visolve instructions after giving more details.

walkeashutosh wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

Thanks a lot for showing your interest in helping me.
I have attached few screenshots which will show the flow were i get that error.
Also i have attached a screenshot of the same, where ICD codes are working very fine on my second site as mentioned in my previous comment.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

It appears that the problem is in the codes table.

Does the 5th column, code_type, have ICD9 in it? If that is the case, this entire column should be populated with the code type, (numerals) as described here, not the name of the code with letters and numerals.

walkeashutosh wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

To Pieter,
Thanks for you response.
But i see that when we install both we get a choice for which one of them to be used.
and we did the same on second site too and it is working very well there.

walkeashutosh wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

To fsgl,
thanks for your response…
I will check what you adviced and get back on it very shortly.

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

Look in your web server’s error log for more details about the error. Also it would be good to know which version (and patch level) of OpenEMR this is.


blankev wrote on Tuesday, September 09, 2014:

If this is a new install, a try to reinstall gives good results. Just reinstall over the old install. Same steps. Sometimes the computer corrects itself.

Or copy => paste everything, tables, files, directories from the working install to the troubled install step by step of the most obvious places:

ICD9 or ICD10 tables
Connection tables with ICD9 or ICD10

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, September 10, 2014:

If indeed the codes table is the problem, there are two options.

First, phpMyAdmin.

  1. Backup chausala.
  2. Truncate codes in chausala.
  3. Export codes from default.
  4. Import .sql file to chausala.
    See attachments.

Second, command line.

  1. Backup chausala.
  2. Create a linked server.
  3. Drop codes in chausala as described here.
  4. Copy codes from default to chausala as described here.

Backup is very important when there are changes to the database. If things go terribly wrong, backup will pull the bacon out of the fire.