ICD code loading

emrtech wrote on Thursday, March 11, 2010:

I have found a how-to (config. manuals/billing how-tos) on loading in ICD9 codes for OpenEMR under windows.  Is there a how-to on loading codes  for a linux o/s (Ubuntu)?   I was on the icd9data.com site and didn’t notice anything about downloading the codes, so I’m assuming there’s an agreement between icd9data.com and OpenEMR or something I’m not familiar with?  Thanks

anonymous wrote on Thursday, March 11, 2010:

to load icd9 codes in linux you have to edit the following script file to pertain to your database name, username, and password: /openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx

afterwards run it by typing in: sudo perl ./load_icd_desc.plx

There is no agreement between openemr and icd9data, that script file just scrapes the codes and description off the website directly.


emrtech wrote on Thursday, March 11, 2010:

Thank you Chris

bradymiller wrote on Friday, March 12, 2010:

Just put a quick instruction set in the wiki:

juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, June 01, 2010:

Thanks for posting these instructions. Is it possible to post the instructions for CPT and Fee scripts as well?

Thank you!

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, June 02, 2010:

no time now. I suggest posting this in the feature request tracker or perhaps trying it out and documenting it on the wiki. As i recall, not much difference in any of those script.

juggernautsei wrote on Friday, June 04, 2010:

After looking into the scripts for the CPT codes. The data file MEDU.txt has to be purchased from AMA.

Then the script will load the CPT codes into the database. Inside the script is the instructions on how to load it if the server is Unix/Linux based system. If it is a windows system then make sure to use the setup outlined by brady in this wiki http://www.openmedsoftware.org/wiki/Load_ICD9_Codes in order to have perl running.

samsalas wrote on Wednesday, March 23, 2011:

I have edited the script, but I do not understand how to execute it.

samsalas wrote on Wednesday, March 23, 2011:

I was speaking of the cpt codes