ICD-9 Set up

jenna0901 wrote on Sunday, January 12, 2014:

Hello, I am new to OpenEMR and am setting up the program for basic use for a psychotherapy group. I am having trouble setting up the ICD-9 codes. It was easy to enter the CPT codes that we use, but there was no drop down for ICD-9 codes. I have read some references to importing files on this, however we use about 10 codes. Is it possible to enter these the same way I did with the CPTs? Is there is a glitch in my system or must it be done by some import process?
thank you!

fsgl wrote on Sunday, January 12, 2014:

Administration->Lists->Code Types, change the last column, External, from ICD-9 Diagnosis to No. This default setting enables batch import of ICD-9 codes with the External Data Loads module.

Because only 10 codes need to be entered and not the entire data set, this default is not necessary.