ICD 10 Entries

Am I missing it? There is no place to add ICD 10’s to the system. Why?

@juggernautsei http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/Import_Standard_Tables#Import.2FUpgrade_and_activate_ICD10

Make sure you get the raw data here: https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Coding/ICD10/

Place the downloaded ICD 10 database zip files into the following directory: contrib/icd10

Return to this page and you will be able to complete the ICD10 installation process by clicking on the ICD10 section header

Clap, clap, clap… NO.

I have 5 codes I need to add. Where can I do that?

Do you need the official list with 5 codes added or do you just need the 5 codes by themselves?


These five oops six.

Use to be able to add code through this interface but it won’t allow ICD 10’s

hi @juggernautsei, prob want to upgrade your data set, please see Upgrade icd10 code set

Thank you guys for all your help.
There is no way to add a few codes without having to do the whole thing
Upgrade icd10 code set

I have to do better research on my own questions.

nothing wrong with asking first :slight_smile: @juggernautsei

Glad it’s working!

Do you think we should allow users to manually add ICD10 codes using that form? Am I missing the reason why we don’t list it?

I think we should simply because people know what codes they need and to force them to go through that lengthy process just to add a couple of missing codes is aggravating, to say the least.
I don’t know if there was ever a published reason for taking that ability away. I do know that when the system went to ICD10’s that function was disabled for ICD10.
I just went to the database and added the codes to the table. It took a little less time than coping all those files. I was going to look into enabling that feature because there is no reason I can see to stop people from being able to add codes.

I thought that was up to what is set in list options. Absolutely should have ability to add. I would think many practices usually have 10 to 15 procedure/icd sets of codes they normally use. A great feature of Codes is tailoring your code sets to your practice.
I’m going to look to make sure if this is not a bug unless it has something to due(do, for you yankee’s) with M.U or ONC cert. Oh @brady.miller

yes, it’s set in list options

to choose external load utility or manually add through admin->list->codes click in the external column drop down

this gives users the flexibility if they use only a small subset of codes to add them manually or those that use a variety of codes and don’t mind loading them all

also the latter option gives the ability to eliminate typos and take advantage of the effective date of the dx code, so the new ones that have to be added each year are for dos > 10-01-20??; using the utility allows the tables to increment the revision field

there were quite a few changes this year

22344 headers in icd10cm_order_2017.txt
22423 headers in icd10cm_order_2018.txt
93 additions
14 deletions
44 revisions
of which
44 revisions to both long and short titles
0 revisions to long title only
0 revisions to short title only

71486 codes in icd10cm_order_2017.txt
71704 codes in icd10cm_order_2018.txt
360 additions
142 deletions
226 revisions
of which
225 revisions to both long and short titles
1 revisions to long title only
0 revisions to short title only

Ah, thanks @stephenwaite, guess i’ll go find another crusade:).

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Thanks @stephenwaite!

It is a bit confusing that in the last column under Administration -> Lists -> Code Types. The last column header is External.
I changed that to No and then I was able to add codes to the ICD 10 category.

caveat is that once you disable external you’ll have to add every code into the table through admin->codes :frowning:

But if someone wants to import a full list then all they have to do is set Externals back to what it was previously. Right?

it’s now looking in codes instead of icd10_dx_order_code, you’d have to do a little work on the import

That is good to know. So, I’ll have to switch it back. Who’s idea was this :face_with_raised_eyebrow: