I need some help to update from 4.2.2 to 6.0.0 version. I know that the procedure is easy but am afraid that will appear errors which wont know how to handle. Openemr is placed in a hosted server. If there is someone experienced in this situation i would like to discuss with him.
I can assist you
Hi @Yiannis_Ps,
Anyone contacting you as a vendor, please check them out against our approved vendor list.
We are a certified vendor at @sjpadgett has pointed out.
We have done a number of these conversions from v4 to v6.
How can we help you?
thank you for your replay. Where can i find approved vendor list?
i have a hosted openemr version 4.2.2 and i need someone experienced to open emr to update it for me to the latest version 6.0.0.
I am familiar with web sites and IT generally and i could try it myself. I found difficulties trying to update it in version 5 because of the version of Mariadb. Was at 10.1XXX and i think required 10.2XX. Now server updated in 10.2.37-1 so i don’t think there will be any other problems.
So if you can do it for me with a cost i could afford we could proceed. I definitely need to be sure that after the update everything will work fine without any problem.
I can help you out with your request.
I have sent you a perusal message, Kindly check.
You can also drop me an email at : nicole ( a t ) talentsfromindia ( d o t ) com.
Thanks for your time and I look forward to your response.
Much thanks,
hi @Yiannis_Ps, most likely needs to be php5.6
Is anybody know when first patch of 6th version will be released? I have transfered emr to new server for the upgrade and now it is not working properly because of the newer version of php. So if you suggest to wait the first patch and it will be late i probably should transfer back to the old server. I dont know what is the best option right now. Go back to the old server or upgrade to 6.0.0
hi @Yiannis_Ps, will be out any day, suggest you go ahead and upgrade and patching can be done later at your convenience.